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Admin Core Tasks

Use the admin website to upload floorplans and maintain mappings

The admin website,, is the place to upload your own floorplans and maintain mappings for meeting rooms, people as well as custom locations.

See the sections below for common tasks:

1 - Floorplans

Upload floorplans as images to start being able to map locations

Upload new floorplan

To upload a floorplan, go to the Images page available in the top menu. Drag and drop images into the square labeled “Drop files here or click to upload” to upload image files. Alternatively, click the square, which opens a file dialog to select an image to upload.

After uploading an image, MeetingRoomMap processes the image by scaling it to different sizes. It might take a few seconds before being completed. Once the image has been processed, it will be added to the list of existing maps below.

File types and sizes

The following image types are valid (based on file-extension name): jpg, png, gif, jpeg.

All these work equally well in MeetingRoomMap. There are some general differences in what each file type best represents (see i.e.: )

MeetingRoomMap will scale the uploaded image to two different sizes:

  • Width 310px (used in Outlook Add-in and Teams)
  • Width 900px (used when displaying large version)

So make sure that the uploaded image is displayed clear and correctly in both these resolutions. To avoid a pixelated large image, it’s better to upload an image with at least 900px in width.

Height will be adjusted in relation to width and keep aspect ratio, so the image is not stretched. For best display try to upload images that are close to a square form, and not having one side much longer than the other side.

Renaming floorplans

The name of a floorplan will initially be the same as the filename of the uploaded image.

To rename a floorplan, go to the Images page and click the “Attach rooms” button for the floorplan to edit. From within the “Edit room map” page, change the “Title” field and click “Update map title”.

Delete a floorplan

To delete a floorplan, go to the Images page and click the “Delete” button for the floorplan to delete.

2 - MeetingRooms

Assign Exchange meeting rooms to floorplans

A mapped meeting room can be displayed in the Outlook add-in when editing or viewing a meeting as well as being searched and viewed in the Teams and SharePoint add-ins.

Rooms and room lists

The list of rooms to map is automatically fetched from Exchange in Office 365. The rooms must be defined in Exchange as a resource of type “Room” to show up in MeetingRoomMap.

Rooms can optionally be organized in room lists - see

Mapping rooms to floorplans

Mapping a meeting room to a floorplan can be done in two ways in the admin web site:

  1. Per image/floorplan from Images page by clicking “Attach rooms” button for an image
  2. From the Rooms page.

1. Mapping from Image list

Mappings can be done per floorplan by going to the Images page and clicking “Attach rooms” button for a selected floorplan:

  1. On the “Edit room map” page select a room in the Room dropdown - if rooms are organized in room lists, first select a room list, then a room.
  2. Once a room is selected click “Attach” button.
  3. A popup windows with the floorplan is opened - click the location of the meeting room to create the mapping.

Removing mapping

An existing mapping can be removed by clicking the “Remove” button in the “Rooms in this map” list (NB. Requires the role “MeetingRoomEditor” to be able to remove).

2. Mapping from Rooms page

Alternatively, mappings can be done by viewing the complete list of known rooms on the Rooms page.

  1. Find the room to map in the list (use sorting, paging and search to quickly find the correct room)
  2. Click “Attach to map” button
  3. A popup “Select map to attach to” with all available floorplans displays - click the floorplan to map to
  4. A popup windows with the floorplan is opened - click the location of the meeting room to create the mapping

Removing mapping

An existing mapping can be removed by clicking the “Remove” button for a specific room in the list. (NB. The button only displays for users with the role “MeetingRoomEditor”).

3 - Users

Map co-workers to floorplans

Mapped co-workers enables searching and viewing their location in the Teams and SharePoint add-ins.

Users available to map

The list of users is automatically fetched from Azure AD and displayed on the Persons page.

By default users are grouped by their Office location attribute. This enables mapping all users having the same Office Location with a single mapping (see Changing mapping attribute to change the grouping).

The Office location attribute can be viewed here: Microsoft 365 admin center -> Users -> select user -> Manage contact information:

Map users

Mapping a user (or group of users with same grouping attribute) is done by navigating to the Persons page.

  1. Find the user to map in the list (use sorting, paging and search to quickly find the correct user)
  2. Click “Attach to map” button
  3. A popup “Select map to attach to” with all available floorplans displays - click the floorplan to map to
  4. A popup windows with the floorplan is opened - click the location of the user to create the mapping

Removing mapping

An existing mapping can be removed by clicking the “Remove” button for a specific user (or group of users with same grouping attribute) in the list. (NB. requires the role “MeetingRoomEditor” to remove).

3.1 - Changing mapping attribute

If mapping users by their office location attribute is not desired, the grouping attribute can be changed. I.e. to ensure all users are mapped individually use ‘email’ attribute.

Changing mapping attribute

If mapping users by their office location attribute is not desired, the grouping attribute can be changed. I.e. to ensure all users are mapped individually use ‘email’ attribute.

To change the grouping attribute, navigate to the TenantSettings page:

Change the property to group by and click “Save settings”. Be aware that the property specified must be a valid user property name (the internal name as defined in Microsoft Graph API).

4 - Custom locations

Create custom locations and map these to floorplans. Custom locations also form the basis for the Reservations functionality.

Use custom locations to map anything other than meeting rooms and people.

Create a custom location

To create a new custom location, navigate to the Custom page.

  1. On the Custom Locations page, click the “+ Add new custom location” - a pop-up displays to enter details of the new custom location
  2. Give the location a name and a category - the category can be used to filter by in the add-ins and webparts.
  3. Click save

Map a custom location

Once a new custom location has been created, it can be mapped to a floorplan:

  1. Find the custom location to map in the list (use sorting, paging and search to quickly find the correct location - a newly created location will also appear in red text to help quickly locate it)
  2. Click “Attach to map” button
  3. A popup “Select map to attach to” with all available floorplans displays - click the floorplan to map to
  4. A popup windows with the floorplan is opened - click the location of the custom location to create the mapping

Removing mapping

An existing mapping can be removed by clicking the “Remove” button for a specific location in the list. (NB. requires the role “MeetingRoomEditor” to view the “Remove” button and be allowed to remove).

Delete a custom location

A custom location can be completely removed including the mapping information by clicking the thrashcan icon for a specific location.

5 - Reservations

View all reservations across the organization

Reservations are normally edited and viewed using the Reservations add-in in Teams. It’s only possible to view your own reservations or those made by other team members - not the entire organization. But an administrator has the ability to view all the reservations across the organization and the possibility to delete reservations made by others.

To view reservations as a ReservationsAdmin go to Admin web site -> Account -> Reservations:

View and delete reservations

From the admin reservation page you can view the list of all reservations. Click the “Delete” button to remove a reservation.

6 - Usage

View usage of MeetingRoomMap across the organization

View usage of MeetingRoomMap API actions - these actions can be invoked by both the admin web site as well as usage of add-ins.
The Basic and Standard plans are using actions to count ‘searches’ for billing, when searches exceeds the search limits included in the plan - see

To view usage go to Admin web site -> Account -> Usage

Usage views

It’s possible to select three different time scales for viewing usage history:

  • Last 24 hours
  • Last week
  • Last month

Log data are only kept for one month, so it will not be possibly to create views of usage going further back in time.

Usage information

Log information is recorded with a major category and detailed action within that category, i.e. “CustomLocation.FindByName” (major category ‘Custom locations’ and detailed action ‘find a custom location by name’).

Below is a description of the different actions recorded.

Custom locations log entries

Log entry Description Count as search
CustomLocation.AttachToImage Map a custom location to a specific image/floorplan No
CustomLocation.CreateImage Create image with pushpin indication of custom location on floorplan Yes
CustomLocation.Details Get all details including image with location for a specific custom location Yes
CustomLocation.FindByName Find a specific custom location by name Yes
CustomLocation.GetList Get a list of all custom locations Yes
CustomLocation.GetListByCategories Get a list of all custom locations within a specific category Yes
CustomLocation.GetListByImage Get a list of all custom locations mapped to a specific image/floorplan Yes
CustomLocation.RemoveFromImage Remove a custom location from image/floorplan No

Images/floorplans log entries

Log entry Description Count as search
Image.Delete Delete an image (including all items mapped to it) No
Image.Upload Upload a new image/floorpan No

Meeting room log entries

Log entry Description Count as search
MeetingRoom.AttachToImage Attach a meeting room to a specific image/floorplan No
MeetingRoom.CreateImage Create image with push pin indication of meeting room location Yes
MeetingRoom.CreateImageAnon Create anonymous meeting room image link for embedding in meeting request Yes
MeetingRoom.FindByImage Get a list of all meeting rooms mapped to a specific image/floorplan Yes
MeetingRoom.NextMeetings Get list of users next meetings including images with locations (used by Teams Bot ) Yes
MeetingRoom.RemoveFromImage Remove a meeting room from an image/floorplan No
MeetingRoom.RoomByName Get details and image with location for a specific meeting room Yes
MeetingRoom.RoomDetails Get all details including image with location for a specific meeting room Yes
MeetingRoom.RoomList Get a list of all meeting rooms from Azure AD Yes

Reservations log entries

Log entry Description Count as search
Reservations.CancelReservation Cancel a reservation No
Reservations.CreateReservation Create a new reservation Yes
Reservations.GetActiveReservations Get a list of active reservations for a specific time inverval Yes
Reservations.GetAllReservations Get a list of all reservations Yes
Reservations.GetReservations Get all reservations for a specific item (desk) Yes
Reservations.GetReservationsByTeam Get list of reservations for all users within a specific team Yes
Reservations.GetReservationsByUser Get list of reservations for a specific user Yes

Person location log entries

Log entry Description Count as search
OfficeLocation.AttachToImage Attach a person/office location to a specific image/floorplan No
OfficeLocation.CreateImage Create image with push pin indication of person/office location Yes
OfficeLocation.GetDetails Get all details including image with location for a specific person/office location Yes
OfficeLocation.RemoveFromImage Removes a person/office location from image/floorplan No
Person.GetImage Get details and image with location for a specific person Yes
Person.Search Returns list of people by searching name/email Yes

License and general settings log entries

Log entry Description Count as search
License.ActivateSubscription When new subscription is activated No
License.DeactivateSubscription When subscription is deactivated No
License.UpdateSubscription When subscription is updated (changing plans etc.) No
Tenant.UpdateSettings Updates to general settings No