
Assign Exchange meeting rooms to floorplans

A mapped meeting room can be displayed in the Outlook add-in when editing or viewing a meeting as well as being searched and viewed in the Teams and SharePoint add-ins.

Rooms and room lists

The list of rooms to map is automatically fetched from Exchange in Office 365. The rooms must be defined in Exchange as a resource of type “Room” to show up in MeetingRoomMap.

Rooms can optionally be organized in room lists - see

Mapping rooms to floorplans

Mapping a meeting room to a floorplan can be done in two ways in the admin web site:

  1. Per image/floorplan from Images page by clicking “Attach rooms” button for an image
  2. From the Rooms page.

1. Mapping from Image list

Mappings can be done per floorplan by going to the Images page and clicking “Attach rooms” button for a selected floorplan:

  1. On the “Edit room map” page select a room in the Room dropdown - if rooms are organized in room lists, first select a room list, then a room.
  2. Once a room is selected click “Attach” button.
  3. A popup windows with the floorplan is opened - click the location of the meeting room to create the mapping.

Removing mapping

An existing mapping can be removed by clicking the “Remove” button in the “Rooms in this map” list (NB. Requires the role “MeetingRoomEditor” to be able to remove).

2. Mapping from Rooms page

Alternatively, mappings can be done by viewing the complete list of known rooms on the Rooms page.

  1. Find the room to map in the list (use sorting, paging and search to quickly find the correct room)
  2. Click “Attach to map” button
  3. A popup “Select map to attach to” with all available floorplans displays - click the floorplan to map to
  4. A popup windows with the floorplan is opened - click the location of the meeting room to create the mapping

Removing mapping

An existing mapping can be removed by clicking the “Remove” button for a specific room in the list. (NB. The button only displays for users with the role “MeetingRoomEditor”).